A bright
frontend web
from Belgium

I'm a highly motivated developer and student from Belgium. I adore building accessible, responsive and performant code. Furthermore, I'm also a huge fan of open-source.

I have been building web apps for almost 5 years and still love it. Learning something new every week. Currently focused on Frontend Web Development and a bit of Web Design.

My evolving skillset

01 Frontend

  • TypeScript
  • State Management
  • React & Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • React-Native

02 Backend

  • Node.js
  • Prisma
  • PostgreSQL
  • Cloudflare
  • GraphQL

03 Other

  • Git & GitHub
  • Docker
  • Linux
  • Monitoring Software


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SnailyCAD is an open-source Computer Aided Dispatch, which is used by police and dispatch roleplaying communities for FiveM. It has reached a lot of interest and positive feedback from many communities and individuals.

Earnings Tracker

Earnings Tracker


A project created to track my earnings, expenses and working hours. Login with GitHub or Google to get started. Add your expenses and income as you go, this will automatically generate the net for each month.




GhostyBot was a feature-rich Discord bot with +150 commands, GhostyBot included a ton of awesome modules. It was used in over 250 servers and used by over 130,000 users combined across all servers.

Home inventory

Home inventory


A home inventory app to keep track of items in your home (food items, tech, medical supplies, etc.).

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I'm like a friendly neighborhood spider, always looking for new connections. Except I don't have eight legs, and I promise not to scare you.